Providing best mental health services with the best psychiatrists
Providing best mental health services with the best psychiatrists
The whole world has been affected by the corona virus. This has resulted in a rise in mental health issues such as anxiety, phobias and depression. We provide best mental health services to help you in these challenging times.
In Psychiatry around 1 in 10 people face depression at sometime in their life; however 90% of those people do recover from it.
We employ a multi-model treatment approach for each person according to their needs by trained psychiatrists to ensure and inspire success
Being constantly on the edge is not a pleasant feeling for anyone. Whether generalized, situational or phobic in nature, anxiety negatively affects the quality of living. Our psychiatrists will help improve your mental health
Being addicted is like being in a prison, it is hard to get out even if one wants to. We pride ourselves on successfully freeing many people from their prisons. We provide best psychiatric services for addiction according to international guidelines
Everybody deserves a good nights sleep. A bad night can spoil your whole day and mental health so why keep suffering when you can resolve insomnia by using best psychiatric services with multiple behavioral and pharmacological interventions
Living with Bipolar is challenging for not only the patient but also their families. Our treatment focuses on best psychiatric services, managing the patient and educating the family to improve treatment outcomes. Drug compliance in Psychiatry specially bipolar can do wonders
Lets help remove the stigma and supernatural from Schizophrenia. You too can live a full life as it is quite manageable. Our best psychiatric services provide long term rehabilitation for patients to keep their mental health in check
Personality assessment
Sessions last 30 minutes
Sessions last 45 minutes to 1 hour
Your treatment will be managed by a Care Manager who will help coordinate your care with the psychiatrist. You will have access to the Care Manager throughout the month via messaging who will convey your concerns to your Doctor/Therapist and get back to you
Can be cancelled at any time
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